learn by doing

Implementing AAA with TACACS+

In today’s post I will showw how you can do a basic configuration of a TACACS+ Linux server and how to enable the AAA on the networking device. To start with AAA, stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. The authentication is related to the login process: users and their passwords, authorization describes what each of the users is allowed to do on the device and the accounting part logs what commands the users have issued on the device. All these are implemented as a set of attributes stored in a database that can be located locally on the device or hosted remotely on a TACACS+ or RADIUS server.

Running Java Web Start applications on Ubuntu 12.04

In todays post I will present how to install the packages required to run Java web start applications ( .jnlp files) on Ubuntu 12.04. Most of the KVM(keyboard, video and mouse) devices and several networking management software like Brocade Network Advisor use this kind of apps for remote access.

How to restore grub using chroot

Below is a small tutorial of how you can install grub by chrooting into the the partition you would like to install the bootloader.

The Spanning Tree Song

The Spanning Tree song performed by Radia Perlman, the inventor of the spanning tree algorithm. It sounds nice :)

Blacklisting Linux kernel modules using the grub command line

In order the prevent certain modules from being loaded by the kernel using the grub command line you need to pass them as a parameter to the kernel line using the below syntax. It can be useful when you cannot access the OS file system so that you can edit a blacklist with the modules you don’t want to be loaded