20 Nov 2011
In today’s post I will show how to get a free US DID - a local number and point it to your VoIP network. For this setup I will use an analog phone plugged into a FXS port of a Cisco 1751-V router. The use of a voice router isn’t necessary, you may also use an ATA - Analog Telephone Adapter.

20 Nov 2011
Here are 2 simple steps which help you to run a script when your Ubuntu machine boots:
07 Nov 2011
As I said in a previous post I will need an OpenWRT image set with the baud rate of 9600 bps for the console port in order to have my improvised USB-RS232-TTL adapters work. I will show the steps on how to build your image. Please note that I am using Ubuntu as OS but it should work with any other Linux distributions, you just have to install the dependencies.
24 Oct 2011
Today I have been trying to get some working console cables for the Asus WL-500 routers I have. The first thing I tried was using an old Nokia CA-42 data cable which includes an Prolific USB to 3.3V TTL converter but unfortunately it ended in getting a messy input and output. So the other solution I thought of was building my own RS232-to-3.3V TTL converter.
17 Oct 2011
Below you may find a video tutorial on how to set a ROAS scenario using the Remote-Lab.net lab environment: