learn by doing

Installing Single Node OKD on a KVM virtual machine

Spring has finally arrived and with it came the perfect opportunity for some home lab maintenance. After running my home lab OKD instance reliably for over 2 years, I recently performed a reinstall and decided to document the entire process. Since the previous setup served me well, I wanted to capture all the detailed steps involved in getting a fresh OKD environment up and running on a KVM virtual machine.

Running a Fedora CoreOS OpenStack instance

Fedora CoreOS is a minimal operating system used for running containerized workloads that I’ve been wanting to experiment with for some time. Since my test infra is OpenStack based I’ll document below how to create a Fedora CoreOS OpenStack instance.

Running containers with Podman

In this post I’ll document how to build and run containers with Podman. Podman is a tool which allows you managing OCI containers without the need for a daemon. It aims to provide parity with the docker cli options making it easy for users to transition to using this new tool. You can read more about the Podman motivation in this detailed article.

Configuring users with admin role in OpenShift

This is a quick post documenting the commands required for setting up Openshift users with the admin role:

Deploying all-in-one OKD 3.11 with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates

I’ve been experimenting with OpenShift lately and in the following post I’d like to document the steps required to get an OKD 3.11 environment up and running. For those who are not familiar with the OKD abbreviation it is “The Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift”. The deployment is going to be set up on a single node and configured to use Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for the API endpoint/console and HTTPS routes.