learn by doing

Getting started with Docker and the wonders of Open Source

As Docker has been a buzzword lately(last year or so) I though that I should give it a try and really do something with it besides reading articles about how great it is.

OSPF lab provisioning on IOS with Ansible

In this post we’ll see how we can quickly get a basic OSPF lab deployed by using Ansible. Our setup consists of 3 x Cisco IOS routers which are connected according to the diagram below. All the routers should already have SSH set up and an interface connected to the management network that will be used for retrieving the configuration files from the server. On the server side we need a Linux machine that has Ansible installed.

SDN Intro: Basic L2 connectivity by using OVS and POX

You’ve all probably heard about this fancy SDN term that’s been passing around in the networking world in the recent years. I’ll try to explain below what SDN means for me and what are the benefits of using such a model.

Ansible playbook: postfix with Mandrill relay

In this post I will show how you can use Ansible to automatically install postfix mail server and configure it to relay through Mandrill. Mandrill is a transactional email platform that allows you to send up to 12.000 emails for free. I use it for my servers to avoid situations where the IP addresses assigned by my ISP are blacklisted on some RBL lists.

Lab - basic OSPF routing scenario

In this post post we’ll see how we can do a basic routing scenario by using the virtual appliances. Below is the logical diagram of the scenario. Our objective is to esatblish connectivity between the 2 clients: host01 - and host02 -